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Spin Disc

By: Description: "The Spin Disc is a sturdy plastic platform that is mounted on a sturdy plastic base at a slight angle of 7 degrees. Children can sit, kneel, or lay on the disc and spin in either direction while holding onto the thick handles to receive vestibular input. This can be a calming activity for children who find spinning to be soothing. It can also be a helpful activity to get whole-body movements without having to go outside. It can be a good learning tool for children with balance difficulties or neurological disorders. Weight limit is 125 lbs. Sitting area is 24x26"" and comes fully assembled. Note: Adult supervision required."
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Gross Motor Gross Motor Adapt to Impact Available 500288

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Center for Innovative Design and Engineering (CIDE)

(303) 315-1280

1224 5th St, Denver, CO 80204